Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Free Essays on The Influence Of Elizabethan Values On Shakespeares “The Taming Of The Shrew“

The reign or Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most fruitful and prosperous times in European history. The legacy of all that was achieved during her time still lives on today. Some of the greatest examples of these achievements are William Shakespeare’s many works of literature. The clothing, relationships between men and women, and the music of the Elizabethan times are portrayed several times throughout William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†. One of the most influential times in European history was when Queen Elizabeth I was ruling. Elizabeth reigned for about forty-four years, ending in 1603 (Olsen 74). Elizabeth came into the crown when her father, King Henry, decided to break away from the Roman Catholic Church, and named himself the head of the new Protestant Church of England. He was succeeded first be his son Edward, and then by his elder daughter Mary. Both claimed the crown, but met early s. Elizabeth inherited the crown after â€Å"Bloody Mary† passed away (75). Elizabeth’s court was one marked by constant growth and achievement, principally in the areas of music, literature, and the arts. Queen Elizabeth was considered to be a large â€Å"consumer† of the arts, undoubtedly acting as a catalyst to the ever-growing air of artistic renaissance (74). She believed that music should not only be secular, but enjoyed by the masses as a leisure activity as well (Editors 73). Among oth er changes during her reign, Elizabeth’s court valued clothing very highly, as the Queen herself proved to spend an innumerable amount of money on clothing and jewels. The Queen was also an enthusiast of theatre, and a large aficionada of William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is one of the most famous play writes of all time. His works are known all over the world, and are used in English curriculums of the greater part of schools. William Shakespeare wrote such classics as â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, â€Å"Love’... Free Essays on The Influence Of Elizabethan Values On Shakespeares â€Å"The Taming Of The Shrewâ€Å" Free Essays on The Influence Of Elizabethan Values On Shakespeares â€Å"The Taming Of The Shrewâ€Å" The reign or Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most fruitful and prosperous times in European history. The legacy of all that was achieved during her time still lives on today. Some of the greatest examples of these achievements are William Shakespeare’s many works of literature. The clothing, relationships between men and women, and the music of the Elizabethan times are portrayed several times throughout William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†. One of the most influential times in European history was when Queen Elizabeth I was ruling. Elizabeth reigned for about forty-four years, ending in 1603 (Olsen 74). Elizabeth came into the crown when her father, King Henry, decided to break away from the Roman Catholic Church, and named himself the head of the new Protestant Church of England. He was succeeded first be his son Edward, and then by his elder daughter Mary. Both claimed the crown, but met early s. Elizabeth inherited the crown after â€Å"Bloody Mary† passed away (75). Elizabeth’s court was one marked by constant growth and achievement, principally in the areas of music, literature, and the arts. Queen Elizabeth was considered to be a large â€Å"consumer† of the arts, undoubtedly acting as a catalyst to the ever-growing air of artistic renaissance (74). She believed that music should not only be secular, but enjoyed by the masses as a leisure activity as well (Editors 73). Among oth er changes during her reign, Elizabeth’s court valued clothing very highly, as the Queen herself proved to spend an innumerable amount of money on clothing and jewels. The Queen was also an enthusiast of theatre, and a large aficionada of William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is one of the most famous play writes of all time. His works are known all over the world, and are used in English curriculums of the greater part of schools. William Shakespeare wrote such classics as â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, â€Å"Love’...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Understanding the Italian Present Subjunctive Tense

Understanding the Italian Present Subjunctive Tense Language is fluid, and its usage is constantly changing. A case in point is the subjunctive (il congiuntivo), which in English is rapidly becoming extinct. Phrases like I suggest you go home immediately and Robert wishes that you open the window are not frequently used anymore. In Italian, though, the subjunctive tense is alive and flourishing, both in speaking and writing. Rather than stating facts, it expresses doubt, possibility, uncertainty, or personal feelings. It can also express emotion, desire, or suggestions. Subjunctive Tense Phrases Typical phrases that call for the subjunctive tense include: Credo che... (I believe that...)Suppongo che... (I suppose that...)Immagino che... (I imagine that...)È necessario che... (It is necessary that...)Mi piace che... (Id like that...)Non vale la pena che... (Its not worth it that...)Non suggerisco che... (Im not suggesting that...)Puà ² darsi che... (Its possible that...)Penso che... (I think that...)Non sono certo che... (Im not sure that...)È probabile che... (It is probable that...)Ho limpressione che... (I have the impression that...) Certain verbs such as suggerire (to suggest), sperare (to hope), desiderare (to wish), and insistere (to insist) require use of the subjunctive. The table below provides examples of three regular Italian verbs (one of each class) conjugated in the present subjunctive tense. CONJUGATING ITALIAN VERBS IN THE PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE TENSE PARLARE FREMERE CAPIRE io parli frema capisca tu parli frema capisca lui, lei, Lei parli frema capisca noi parliamo fremiamo capiamo voi parliate fremiate capiate loro, Loro parlino fremano capiscano Conjugating the Present Subjunctive Tense The present subjunctive is the verb form of the Italian language in the phrase generally used to indicate secondary events seen as real or not objectives (Spero che voi siate sinceri) or not relevant. This verb form is combined by adding to the root of the verb endings provided in Italian grammar in the three conjugations. Since the subjunctive must generally after the conjunction that, this is often repeated. As with the conjugation of the present tense, some verbs of the third conjugation - such verbs incoativi - involving the use of the suffix -isc-: che io finisca, che tu finisca, che egli finisca, che noi finiamo, che voi finiate, che essi finiscano. Almost all irregular shapes can be, by way recipe, derived from the first person of the verb in the present tense: I am of the indication vengo can be formed subjunctive - che io venga (che tu venga, che egli venga, che noi veniamo, che voi veniate, che essi vengano); dallindicativo muoio puà ² essere formato il congiuntivo che io muoia (che tu muoia eccetera); dallindicativo faccio puà ² essere formato congiuntivo che io faccia; similmente: che io dica, vada, esca, voglia, possa eccete.